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EUREC Projects: EnTIRE

Project logo of EnTIRE: Six letters on background consisting of boxes in mixed colors.

    Mapping Normative Frameworks for EThics and Integrity of Research (EnTIRE)


    Our aim is to create a platform that makes the normative framework governing Research Ethics and Research Integrity (RE+RI) easily accessible, supports application in research and evaluation, and involves all stakeholders in a participatory way, thus achieving sustainability. The platform will foster uptake of ethical standards and responsible conduct of research, and ultimately support research excellence and strengthen society’s confidence in research and its findings.


  • stakeholder participation and community engagement
  • focus on (diversity of) RE+RI practices
  • interactive self-sustainable Wiki-platform
  • Duration: May 2017 – Apr 2021

    For further information visit the EnTIRE website and Twitter @EnTIRE_consort

    Logo of the European Union: Circle consisting of twelve yellow stars on blue background.

    EnTIRE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741782.

<- Overview EUREC Projects

Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org