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Legislation: The Netherlands

    In the Netherlands we have several laws. Most important law is the Act with rules on medical research involving human subjects (Medical Research Human Subjects Act). In Dutch it is called the WMO. This WMO act is translated into an English version at the website www.ccmo.nl/en/national-legislation-dutch, where all national legislation can be found.

    The following acts are also translated into English:
  • Decree of 23 June 2003 containing rules for compulsory insurance in medical research involving human subjects (Medical Research(Human Subjects) Compulsory Insurance Decree). In Dutch this is called “Besluit verplichte verzekering bij medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen”.
  • Decree of 3 January 2006, amending the Central Review of Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Decree (enlargement of medical research that requires central review). In Dutch this is called “Besluit centrale beoordeling”.
  • The Embryo Act.

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