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EUREC Projects: Path2Integrity

Project logo of Path2Integrity: White background, the number two in a circle of dots between the words Path and Integrity.

    Rotatory role-playing and role-models to enhance the research integrity culture (Path2Integrity)


    With the European research landscape rapidly changing, nowadays, it is becoming increasingly es-sential to emphasise the virtue of research integrity and to start handling new scientific techniques in a comprehensible way. Research integrity is a constituent of more innovation, growth and high-quality jobs. It leads to more efficient, appropriate, useful and reliable scientific evidence for poli-cymakers and entrepreneurs, where decisions based on research results lead to a better future.


  • Establish excellent learning paths with research integrity role-models and rotatory role-playing by developing and disseminating a Path2Integrity handbook of instruction
  • Raise awareness of scientific facts about research integrity and role-models in educa-tional organisations through a widespread Path2Integrity campaign
  • Achieve wide-spread implementation of excellent learning paths, by using existing and successful educational practices as a foundation and international collaborations across four continents, along with robust assessment methods
  • Create units for learning research integrity that address everyone either directly or indirectly involved in research, including secondary school students, undergraduates, graduates, and young researchers
  • Duration: Jan 2019 - Dec 2022

    For further information visit the Path2Integrity website and Twitter @Path2Integrity

    Logo of the European Union: Circle consisting of twelve yellow stars on blue background.

    Path2Integrity receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824488.

<- Overview EUREC Projects

Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org