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Project logo of PANELFIT: White background, eight blue letters, all uppercase, the P has the shape of a black open lock.

    Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT (PANELFIT)


    Changes in the regulation of ICT research and innovation are opening up a new scenario. It is ex-pected that stakeholders, policy makers, and end users adapt to them as soon as possible. This, however, might be hard, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). PANELFIT is firmly committed to facilitating this adaptation process by producing a set of editable, open access Guidelines, validated by two data protection agencies. Once produced, they will serve as operational standards able to reduce the ethical and legal issues posed by ICT technologies while promoting innovation and market growth, enabling high-quality job creation and ensuring an adequate level of privacy and security/cybersecurity.


  • suggest possible concrete improvements to the current regulatory and governance framework, both at the EU and the national level
  • create mutual learning and support tools and to promote networking among stakeholders and policy makers
  • increase the quantity and quality of the information available to policy makers, professionals, researchers, journalists and the public.
  • All these outcomes will be produced by a co-creation process involving policy makers, stakeholders, and end-users. They will all participate in the creation of the main outcomes of the project through a range of engagement activities that includes workshops, public consultations, encounters, surveys, etc. This will be combined with a strong communication and dissemination strategy that includes numerous activities, such as webinars, MOOC courses, public debates, a constant use of a web site and social networks and the creation of a Platform for Mutual Learning, which is meant to become the reference forum for the discussion of the issues at stake even after the end of the project.

    Duration: Nov 2018 - Oct 2021

    For further information visit the PANELFIT website and Twitter @panelfit

    Logo of the European Union: Circle consisting of twelve yellow stars on blue background.

    Panelfit has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788039.

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Contact: eurec@eurecnet.org